
Online Education Gives You Unlimited Opportunities

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Join the BetterTable Academy with video courses to improve your knowledge and skills.
Learn anywhere and at any time.

Learn more about BetterTable
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Short videos designed for busy chefs

How We Differ

We are sure that you can become one of the best chefs in Canada learning online, without even leaving your kitchen.

Our experts take just such an approach to education: modern methods, additional teaching materials, final tests, and certificates. Here you can find everything the best training centers offer.

Your Expert

Դանիելա Մարգարյան

Ben Liegey

Founder and CEO, BetterTable

Co-Producer, Food Synergy Movie

I believe the BetterTable Academy gives an opportunity to an increasing number of leaders in the hospitality industry to be more sustainable while reducing food costs.

What our Students Say

quot student

It was very easy for me to go through the training. Any hotel chef should have this!

Մարի ԴարդանյանChef Poyan Danesh
Chair at Chefs' Table Society of BC

So very well done! I love the brevity of the course, the savings calculator and the fact that the data are all relevant for the Canadian restaurant industry

Վանեսա ՄունանյանChef David Del Brocco
Sustainability Manager at Sodexo Canada

An excellent training for any food handler, employee or employer.

Մարիա ՎարդանյանChef Kunal Dighe
Executive Chef at JW Marriott Parq Vancouver

Well made and clearly explained video. The modules make it easy to stay focused for an hour straight!

authorDaekwon Lee
Restaurant Manager